Teacher Card

Teacher Card FAQs

What is a Teacher Card?
How can I apply for a Teacher Card?
What can I checkout on my Teacher Card?
Will I be fined for overdue items?
Can I renew my items?
What happens if I change schools?
What is a Teacher Collection?


What is a Teacher Card?

A Teacher Card is separate from your personal library card and used to checkout books for use in the classroom. Teacher cards have no overdue fines, a 6 week loan period, and the standard loan limit of 99 items.

How can I apply for a Teacher Card?

Teachers must present a valid photo ID and something to verify the Ohio school where they work as a teacher (pay stub, school ID etc.) Teachers do not have to live or work in Marion County to apply.

What can I checkout on my Teacher Card?

Teacher Cards are for professional use only, not for personal or family items. Abuse of Teacher Card privileges will result in the cancellation of the Teacher Card. As with all cards, we reserve the right to limit items on any one topic if necessary to serve other patrons. All circulating items except DVDs can be checked out on the card.

Will I be fined for overdue items?

No overdue fines will be charged on items checked out to your teacher card. Items that are damaged, or not returned to the library (within three weeks of the due date) will be billed to your account. This blocks the account until the items are returned or paid for. 

Can I renew my items?

Yes. You may renew the items twice, if there are no reserves. You can renew items in person, online through your account, or by using the automated phone system: 740-387-0387

What happens if I change schools?

If you change schools, phone numbers, or email addresses, be sure to notify the library. 

What is a Teacher Collection?

A Teacher Collection is a set of materials on a particular topic that the library staff pulls together for you. Call 3 days in advance of the date you need the materials and we will gather the items you want, and hold them for you for pickup at the main desk. Please be specific and detailed in your request for materials. We will need to know the topic, reading level, and number of books desired.

Source URL: https://marionlibrary.org/teachercard