October 2024 single pages

Jenna: Historical; spans centuries; story revolves around the Epic of Gilgamesh; multiple storylines; philosophical; complex; descriptive; deeply researched facebook.com/mplohio instagram: @MarionPublicLib twitter: @MarionPublicLib youtube: @MarionPublicLibraryOhio linkedin: @MarionPublicLibraryOhio Marion Public Library 445 East Church Street Marion, Ohio 43302 740-387-0992 MarionLibrary.org Board of Directors Phyllis Butterworth, President Patrick Carey Jennifer Donelson Blake Gates Malcolm Goodman Dana Booker Leslie Schneider Gary Branson Executive Director Jaymi: Happily married woman decides to engage in one-night-stands as a form of self-exploration; ambiguous; thought-provoking; leisurely paced; themes of destiny and self-discovery; melancholy and reflective #staffRA Gary Butler: Set in a North Dakota small town; former “goth” marries the high school quarterback; centered around the financial crash of 2008; character- driven; environmentalism angle Whittney: An unknown actress is chosen for a key role in a big new movie, causing jealousy in another main character; told from multiple perspectives; full of drama; slow-paced Patrick: A Georgian refugee living in London returns to the war-torn home of his youth where he relives memories, talks with ghosts, and faces dangers; tense but laced with humor https://youtu.be/2_IUQ8RnY9U Watch more extensive reviews on our YouTube channel. Coming soon! Check out a full list of books at MarionLibrary.org. Please remember you can always place a hold if the book has not arrived yet or is currently checked out. new for young readers BOOKMARKET VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Make a difference by giving a few hours a month Looking to give a few volunteer hours? Applications are being accepted for volunteer workers for the BookMarket, a used book store inside Marion Public Library that rasies funds througout the whole year. The Market is run by the BookMarks Friends of Marion Public Library volunteer group. Shoppers can find all varieties of gently used books on sale where purchases make a difference. Volunteer with a friend and spend some time in a slower pace, no stress environment. Pick up an application at the Marion Public Library main desk, by stopping into the BookMarket, or download online from MarionOHBookmarks.org/bookmarket