March 2021 Update

Dave Williamson (wearing jacket) is honored by the MPL Board at his last meeting in December 2020. Dana Booker (center) with MPL Board President Blake Gates was sworn in by Misty Haden at the February board meeting. David Williamson honored for years of service. Marion Public Library honored its most dedicated supporter at its December 15, 2020 board meeting. David Williamson announced his departure from the Library Board and was recognized by current members for his years of commitment. Williamson has served as a Marion Public Library Board of Trustee since 1982, a total of 38 years. In May of 2018 he surpassed the tenure of his late grandfather, J.D. Williamson, who also served on the Library Board for 36 years, from 1925-1961. The combined commitment of the Williamson family shows their kindred support and dedication to Marion’s access to knowledge. Marion Public Library Director Gary Branson shared that “From my first day at MPL, Dave has always encouraged and supported the Library and its place in the community. His historical perspective and leadership has been instrumental as changes and decisions were made. His guidance will be missed.” Williamson joined when he was in his 30s because of his love for literature and that of his community Library. Many changes have taken place during his board tenure, including major building additions, art installation, HVAC and roof replacements, along with a more user-friendly reorganization of collections. Williamson vows he will not be a stranger to the library stacks as he is an avid reader and now has more time to enjoy more books from his “to read” list. Replacing Mr. Williamson is longtime Marionite Dana Booker. Ms. Booker, sworn in at the February meeting, loves reading and has a deep respect and friendship with authors she encounters through reading. The board admires the diverse and cultural understanding Booker brings to the table. She has been Chairperson of the Peace and Freedom Committee for the past three years and is active in various Marion groups and organizations as well as Logos Christian Ministries. Currently, she is the volunteer coordinator for Heartland Hospice of Marion. She adds, “Personally, my love for the library and books knows no limits. I read books cover to cover, but I truly enjoy reading cookbooks because I’m fascinated by the cultures represented by each recipe.” Brush up on your language skills with ​ Transparent Language Aprender español. Impara l’italiano. Lerne Deutsch. ​ Learn English. Apprends le français. Disce Latinam. Planning an international vacation? Need to practice a second language for your job or your next job? Learning English as a second language? Transparent Language can help. Languages are taught through a variety of activities that have you reading, listening, writing, and speaking the language. Available on your computer/laptop and most mobile devices with the Transparent Language app. First time user will need to create an account to keep track of your progress. Access today at: . It all starts with The Little Engine That Could ... When a child is registered for Marion Imagination Library, their first book is The Little Engine That Could