60+ Digital Literacy - Afternoon Session

  Dates & times
  Age Groups Digital Literacy 60+


60 Plus digital literacy logo    Marion County Council on Aging logo

If you are 60+ and want to learn more about using a computer, join us as we walk through several key points and lessons to get you comfortable with doing many digital tasks on your own. 

This series of lessons is brought to you through a partnership with Marion Public Library and the Marion Area Council on Aging Digital Literacy Grant.

The series is limited to 10 participants per class for 4 weekly lessons (January 10-January 31). When you sign up, you are signing up for all 4 lessons in the series in either the morning class (10:00 a.m.) or the afternoon class (2:00 p.m.). Please call or visit the library to register: 740-387-0992. Registration starts December 9 (priority will be given to those who have not already taken this class)

The lessons: 
 “Follow the Yellow Brick Road”                                                                       

January 10 - Lesson 1: We’re not in Kansas Anymore                            
Objective: To introduce the computer and the many reasons to use the technology. 

  • Vocabulary of computer use
  • Reasons to use the computer (and related devices)
  • Addressing Anxiety
  • Safety Concerns (briefly)
  • Using the mouse

Participants will demonstrate mouse use and basic Desktop navigation.

January 17 - Lesson 2: There’s No Place Like Home
Objective: To understand the use of the Home Page and general navigation.

  • Navigating vocabulary
  • Establishing an e-mail account
  • Setting up a password
  • Using the mouse to navigate while completing the set-up

Participants will establish an e-mail account with a User Name and Password.


January 24 - Lesson 3: You’ve Always Had the Power! 

Objective: To combine technology and keyboarding skills through practical application

  • Introduce Google Docs 
  • Write a short letter
  • Save and retrieve letter
  • Place content in an email and send it to the instructor

Participants will use keyboard skills and will send an email.


January 31 - Lesson 4: Files and Folders and Icons, Oh My 

Objective: To introduce saving and organizing documents

  • Use Google icons to access the Internet
  • Open letter from the previous lesson
  • Save the letter in a created subfolder
  • Send an email to a friend, loved one, or the instructor

Participants will experience sending and receiving e-mail and accessing the Internet.

Registration starts December 9. Fill out our form. (priority will be given to those who have not already taken this class)


Want to enhance your digital learning?  Take an in-depth walk-through of life-relevant situations through these additional Library programs. No registration needed.