We offer Story Times for kids and families to encourage early childhood literacy and to teach adults how they can foster a culture of reading in their homes.
Our age-specific Story Times focus on teaching different skills as your child's development progresses. At their core, each session explores books, music, rhyme, movement, and other techniques to help develop a love of language and reading
Lapsit Baby Time (0-24 months)
Mondays @ 11:00 am
Story Time! (ages 2-5)
Thursdays @ 10:00 am & 11:00 am
Check our calendar for details, scheduled breaks, and other holiday closings.
Virtual Story Times and Music Time can be found on our YouTube Channel under its own playlist:
Storytime Playlist or Music Time Playlist
Don't forget to like and subscribe to be notified when we add new videos.
We are a proud partner with Let's Read 20, Marion's local initiative that promotes a culture of reading by encouraging adults to read to children at least 20 minutes each and every day!