Story Time

Evening Family Story Time

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Evening Family Story Time - Pizza Theme
Tuesday, January 14 from 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Large Program RoomStory Time Evening

Join us for a special evening story time and craft with a fun pizza theme!

Lapsit Baby Time

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Lapsit Baby Time
Mondays from 11:00 am - 11:30 am
Kids AreaLapsit

This baby time is focused on promoting early literacy skills for babies 0-24 months old led by Miss Madison & Miss Jaymi. For 20 minutes we will be engaged in lap-sit activities involving songs, bounce rhymes, books, and finger play.

SRP - Story Time Out and About - La Rue Park

  Dates & times
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Story Time Out and About - La Rue Park
Tuesday, July 2 at 10:00 am
La Rue Park located on High Street and School Street

Join us Tuesday, July 2 at the La Rue Park on High Street & School Street, for stories, rhymes, and activities geared for school-age children and younger along with their caregivers. Siblings are welcome to participate.

We will guide caregivers and kids through activities to build a love of learning and reading together!

The program will start at 10 am and last approximately 20 minutes.

SRP - Story Time Out and About - Prospect Park

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Story Time Out and About - Prospect Park
Tuesday, June 25 at 10:00 am
Prospect Community Park, located on the South end of 5th Street in Prospect

Join us Tuesday, June 25 at Prospect Park for stories, rhymes, and activities geared for school-age children and younger, along with their caregivers. Siblings are welcome to participate. 

We will guide caregivers and kids through activities to build a love of learning and reading together!

This program will start at 10 am and last approximately 20 minutes.

SRP - Outdoor All-Age Story Time

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Outdoor All-Age Story Time
Wednesdays in June at 10:00 am
Outside, weather permitting

Come to a special outdoor Story Time to learn and explore garden life and insects!

This is an all-age Story Time that will be held outside of the library near the weigh station garden.

We will learn about butterflies and other insects, the importance of the weigh stations and gardens, read books, and sing songs and rhymes!

Story Time!

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  Age Groups


Story Time!
Thursday mornings from 11:00 am - 11:30 am
Program Room

Join us on Thursday mornings at 10 am or 11 am for a half-hour program.  We'll have songs, rhymes, activities, and stories that will be geared toward preschool age and younger, and their caregivers.  Siblings are welcome to participate when the room allows!

We'll guide caregivers and kids through activities to build a love of learning and reading together! 

Coordinator: Whittney

Fire Safety Story Time

  Dates & times
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Fire Story Time

Fire Safety Story Time
Saturday Oct 14 @ 11:00am - 12:00pm
Outside (weather permitting) or Large Program Room

Come out to a special Saturday Story Time with the Marion City Fire Department!

We will do rhymes, read books, and talk about fire safety. There will also be plenty of time to ask the firefighters questions and see their gear. 

Evening Family Story Time

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Evening Family

Evening Family Story Time
Wednesday, September 6 @ 5pm-5:45 pm
Program Room

Join us in the Program Room for a special evening Story Time and craft. Children will enjoy music, rhymes, and dancing along with read-a-louds. After the activities, Miss Madison will guide families through a related craft for kids to take home.  Craft provided while supplies last.

Lapsit Baby Time SR 2023

  Dates & times
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Lapsit Baby Time SR 2023
Mondays 10:00 - 10:30 am, June and July 2023
Story Time Room

This story time is focused on promoting early literacy skills for babies 0 - 24 months old led by Miss Madison.  For 20 minutes we will be engaged in lap-sit activities involving songs, bounce rhymes, books, and finger play.

Literacy starts at birth!  Our simple baby time activities are designed to encourage early skills that prepare young children for reading in engaging and fun ways.

Story Time! SR 2023

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Story Time! Summer Reading 2023
Thursdays, June 1 - July 27 @ 11:00 - 11:30 am
Program Room

Join us Thursday mornings in June and July for songs, rhymes, activities, and stories geared for preschool age and younger, and their caregivers.  Siblings are welcome to participate as space allows.

First program is at 10am, and will repeat at 11am. Each program is a half hour long.  We'll guide caregivers and kids through activities to build a love of learning and reading together!

Coordinator: Whittney