Research Databases
Image | Description |
CareerOneStop This website, funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, is a resource focused on providing the information, tools, and support that workers and employers need to succeed in today's economy. |
Computer and Skills Training - Goodwill Community Foundation This is a self directed learning resource created by The Goodwill Community Foundation to teach users how to use computers, 21st century job skills, and core skills like math and reading. Courses include everything from using a computer mouse, Microsoft Office programs, reading, and math, and over 180 topics in total, including interactives, videos, and games. |
Data Axle (formerly ReferenceUSA) Directory information for millions of U.S. and Canada businesses and households. Search for business opportunities, market trends, and jobs by skill, location, or industry. |
LearningExpress You can find online training, education, and practice tests that are helpful for job seekers at this resource from Ohio Means Jobs. There is civil service preparation, GED study materials and practice tests, computer skills training, and more. |
OhioMeansJobs OhioMeansJobs is a State of Ohio initiative to help connect workers with jobs and employers with workers. You can use this site to find jobs and apply for jobs, get skills training, and find guidance for your career journey. |