Get Ready for Read Across America

  Dates & times
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  Age Groups Children


Read Across America bingo cardGet Ready for Read Across America
Tuesday Feb. 1st through Sunday Feb. 27th

Get ready to celebrate Read Across America Week at the end of February.

Starting February 1st stop by Marion Public Library to get your Read Across America bingo card or print from here.

Kids can complete the activities on the bingo card, and then redeem the bingo card during Read Across America week from February 28th through March 7th, for a free book and to go craft kits (while supplies last).

Also starting February 1st kids can write a letter to our owl Swoop!  Kids can get an adult to help them write questions in either the google form or on paper to deliver to the mailbox at the kids desk.  Swoop will release a YouTube video on the library's channel March 17th, answering some of your questions!

Coordinator: Katie & Whittney

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Read Across America Activity Card 1.09 MB