Let's Read 20, Marion! DAY

  Dates & times
  • Fri, 03/01/2024 - 9:00am
  Age Groups Children


LR20 Marion

Let's Read 20, Marion! DAY to kick off National Reading Month.

LR20 will be distributing the book - Eclipse by Andy Rash - to all elementary and preschools in Marion County to have the book read to all the classrooms on March 1 to kick off National Reading Month. 


Want to join in on this county-wide event? Head down to the library on March 1, read the book, take a photo, and tag us on social media! Books are available for checkout, and is available on the Marion Tallgrass Trail's BookWalk. (Flyer to share in English and Spanish) 




For more information visit: https://www.letsread20.org/campaigns.html

To see upcoming eclipse programs at Marion Public Library visit: https://marionlibrary.org/content/solar-eclipse-information